Purpose and Scope;
This policy has been prepared for employees of RUNITAS BİLİŞİM TECHNOLOGY INDUSTRY AND TRADE ANONYMOUS COMPANY, based on Article 14 of the Labor Law No. 4857; “An employment relationship established in writing and based on the principle that employees perform their work at home or outside the workplace using technological communication tools within the scope of the work organization established by the employer”.
Basic Principles;
• Arrangements regarding the location where remote work will be performed are completed before the work begins. The method of covering the costs arising from these arrangements is determined jointly by the remote worker and the employer.
• Unless otherwise agreed in the employment contract, it is essential that the materials and work tools required for the production of goods and services by the remote worker are provided by the employer. The principles of use of these materials and work tools and maintenance and repair conditions are notified to the remote worker in a clear and understandable manner. If the work tools are provided by the employer, the list of work tools indicating their prices on the date they are delivered to the employee shall be delivered to the employee in writing by the employer. A copy of the document delivered to the employee, signed by the employee, shall be kept by the employer in the employee personnel file.
• The time interval and duration for remote work in our company shall be specified in the employment contract. The parties may change working hours, provided that the limitations stipulated in the legislation are adhered to. Overtime shall be done upon the written request of the employer, with the acceptance of the employee, in accordance with the provisions of the legislation.
• The method and time interval for communication in remote work in our company shall be determined by the remote employee and the employer.
• Our company shall inform the remote employee about the business rules and relevant legislation regarding the protection and sharing of data regarding the workplace and the work he/she performs, and shall take the necessary measures to protect this data. The employer shall specify the definition and scope of the data to be protected in the contract. The remote employee must comply with the business rules determined by the employer for the purpose of data protection.
• Our company shall take into account the nature of the work performed by the remote employee and shall take the following measures regarding occupational health and safety measures; informs the employee, provides the necessary training, ensures health surveillance and takes the necessary work safety measures regarding the equipment it provides.